Thursday, September 26, 2024

Early Signs of Autism in Young Children: Key Indicators to Watch For

Signs of autism often become noticeable within the first few years of a child’s life. Key indicators include:

Social Interaction Difficulties: Children with autism may avoid eye contact, fail to respond when their name is called, and prefer solitary play. They may also show little interest in interacting with others or sharing experiences.

Communication Challenges: Delays in speech and language development are common. A child might not babble or use gestures like pointing by 12 months. They may struggle to start or maintain conversations and often repeat words or phrases without understanding their meaning.

Repetitive Behaviors: Common signs include repetitive movements like hand-flapping, rocking, or spinning. Children might also adhere to specific routines or rituals and become distressed by changes in their environment or daily schedule.

Sensory Sensitivities: Many children with autism experience heightened or reduced sensitivity to sensory inputs. They may be overly sensitive to sounds, lights, textures, or smells, or exhibit unusual reactions to pain and temperature.

Lack of Joint Attention: Joint attention, which involves sharing focus on an object or event with another person, is often delayed or absent. For example, a child may not follow a parent’s pointing gesture or share objects with others.

Identifying these early signs can lead to timely evaluation and intervention, crucial for supporting the development of children with autism.
Early Signs of Autism in Young Children: Key Indicators to Watch For

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