Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Symptoms of HIV infection

AIDS is a highly misunderstood disease because people do not completely understand what AIDS really is. In general, a person is diagnosed with AIDS if she or he tests positive for HIV antibodies.

HIV is virus that is commonly spread through the exposure to infected blood and bodily fluids during sexual activity.

Not everyone with HIV is sick. In fact, most people have no symptoms at all right after they are infected with HIV. It becomes apparent until several years after infection.

The earliest symptoms of HIV disease can include fever, enlarged lymph nodes, fatique, diarrhea, headache and muscle aches, sore throat, skin rash and anorexia.

Other symptoms are lymphadenopathy, pharyngitis, aseptic meningitis, arthralgias and myalgias. In women, one of the first symptoms of HIV infection can be vaginal yeast infection that keeps coming back.

Other gynecological problems that are common among women worth HIV are abnormal pap smears, genital warts, pelvic infections and vaginal sores.

Many people do not discover that they have HIV infection until the disease has progressed and illness is pronounced and persistent.
Symptoms of HIV infection

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